Hockey Brothers – The Sutter Brothers

The Sutter brothers have left an indelible mark on the NHL, dominating the league from the 1970s through the 1990s. Brent, Brian, Darryl, Duane, Rich, and Ron all played at least one season in the NHL, with some playing as many as 18 seasons. They were known for their hard-hitting, no-nonsense style of play, and their no-quit attitude. Each of the six brothers enjoyed career success in the NHL, with several winning Stanley Cup championships as players, coaches, or executives.

hockey brothers - the sutter brothers

Darryl Sutter, in particular, has become a legendary figure in the NHL. A player for eleven seasons, he found great success as a head coach, leading the Chicago Blackhawks, San Jose Sharks, Calgary Flames, and Los Angeles Kings. Throughout his coaching career, he was known for his no-frills approach, a never-quit attitude, and success in the playoffs. He led the Flames to the Stanley Cup Finals in 2004 and the Kings to Stanley Cup Championships in 2012 and 2014. He is now the head coach of the Calgary Flames, where he is working to bring the team back to contention.

Overall, the Sutter brothers’ contribution to the NHL cannot be overstated. From their hard-hitting, no-quit style of play to their success as players, coaches, and executives, their impact on the game will be felt for years to come. As fans of the NHL, we can only hope to see another set of brothers make a similarly strong impact on the game in the future.

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