Matt Rempe: The New Kid In Town

The New York Rangers drafted Matt Rempe 165th overall in the 2020 NHL draft. If his first 5 games in the league are any indication….WOW, what a pick. At 6 ft 7 in and 241 pounds he makes quite the impression in a Rangers uniform. Everybody in the league wants a piece of this guy and so far he obliges them all. He is the NHL’s new kid in town for sure.

matt rempe fights Flyer
Matt Rempe vs Nicolas Deslauriers

The kid has only played 5 NHL games, but has definitely caught the attention of the hockey world.

NHL Career So Far:

  • Rempe became the first player in NHL history to make his debut in an outdoor game. 
  • He fought Matt Martin of the Islanders on his first shift of his career
  • He got kicked out of the game against New Jersey for a dangerous hit after smashing Nathan Bastian
  • He had a great fight against Flyers’ Nicolas Deslauriers 
  • Scores the game winning goal against Philadelphia (Ugly one….but, whatever)
  • Another fight….this time it’s Mathieu Olivier of the Blue Jackets

Matt Rempe Stats:

Matt Rempe hockey stats

So in 5 games with the Rangers so far he has a goal, an assist, 3 fights and a match penalty. At this rate of fighting in a full 82 game season he would have about 50 fights. It won’t happen, of course, seeing that the record of 39 fights in a season by Paul Laus in 1996/97 still holds up after all these years. To put it in perspective Tie Domi had an impressive 333 fights and that was his whole 16 year career.

Conclusion: A great NHL start for Matt Rempe and we wish him well. Looking to see what he can accomplish as the newest power forward in the NHL. But, settle down kid….you can’t fight them all.

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